Tree Cutting & Care
Location of Trees:
Our farm is very big and has different varieties of trees in different locations throughout. We ask you always to come and talk to a greeter each year, even if you have been here before. Greeters are trained to assist you and make sure you can find the right tree each time. Sometimes trees are in a field with no attendant, sometimes you can drive there, sometimes they might be a short walk and other times a long walk. Talking to a greeter ensures you get the most up to date information each time you visit.
Saws and Carts:
Saws are available at the north end of the metal building attached to the big red barn but they are also located in satellite fields. Be careful as the saws are very sharp. Do not allow your children to carry or use saws. You are welcome to bring your own saw if you like.
Tree carts are provided for those who need assistance in moving a tree to the baling station or to your car. Tree carts are also located at the big red barn at our main farm site and at satellite fields throughout the property. We occasionally have a line for tree carts if the farm is very busy. Two adults can generally carry trees below 8 feet tall with relative ease, so keep that in mind if you'd rather not wait in line.
Cutting your tree:
Once you have selected the tree that is right for you we ask you to cut it as low to the ground as possible. This helps to prevent injuries and damage to farm vehicles - snow can cover stumps and make them hard to see! In some fields we will allow different rules for cutting trees, always speak to a greeter for the most up to date information on cutting trees in each field.
After Your Tree Has Been Selected and Cut:
Bring it to your nearest baling station where one of our tree handlers will shake the tree (where possible) to remove dead needles and loose debris, and the tree will then be placed in a baler and wrapped for your trip home. Baling makes it easier to handle the tree, to get it into the house and to put it in the stand. Some very large trees may be too large to be baled. After your tree is baled you will be given a numbered tag that identifies your tree and its height for pricing. Take your numbered tag to the nearest cashier and pay for your tree before loading it in your vehicle. Your tree will be ready for pickup at the east end of the barn. Your tag number identifies your tree and our cheery attendants will lift your tree on to your car and show you where to go to tie it down.
Tying Your Tree to Your Car or in the Trunk of Your Car:
There is a twine dispenser at the east end of the barn and also in all satellite field locations. Help yourself and use as much as you need. We cannot help you tie the tree down but we give you free twine to do it yourself. If you need help or guidance please ask.
Care of Your Tree:
Immediately before putting the tree in your stand, we recommend that you cut off approximately 1/2" from the base of the stump so the tree will be able to take water. The stump of a tree may seal quite quickly after it has been cut and will not take water in adequate quantities if it is not re-cut. Keep water in your stand at all times to prolong needle retention of the tree and prevent the tree from drying out in the warm, dry air in your home. If it runs dry the stump may seal over. Do not place a tree over or near a heat source. All of our trees should have good needle retention if these instructions are followed.
Finally, and most importantly, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year and we hope to see you next year. If you are pleased with your tree, we would also appreciate you telling your friends about us - give us a review on Facebook or Google.
See you next year!
The Urquhart family.